Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Working at Kentucky Fried Chicken and my life sum up lol

Personally I Think it's the best fast food job out of all them.I have worked for most of them.I decided to stick with K.F.C  that was May  6 1995  Over 20 Years ago. After working for pizza hut McDonald's Hardees ccaption dee's taco bell. my first year of work i went thru a few.I want to find one that would be able to make a career out of. I'm not book smart never had good grades in school. I knew i would be in fast food that;s What i'm good at. I got offered a manager position at 18 i knew i was not ready and turned it down. I waited two more years got some experiences and took a manager position in 1999  then I mew I was ready.I been in several stores since 1995. I move to Melbourne Fl
on December 26 2009 One of my best choices. I am a manager at the lake Washington store in Melbourne FL. So the reason I Moved away from every one i knew. in 2005 I was in a car accident in my sister's car we were sitting at a red light.Her husband was in the driver seat my sister in the front passenger seat I was in back. A women never seen us or the red light how I don'y know.She never slowed down hit us in the back. I took a trunk in my back taking the full force of the hit into y back saving every one in the car. i am 400 pounds so i am a big guy. the doctor said be being in the back saved lives. But know my back is messed up I stared on lortabs 7.5 for the pain.But over the years my tolerance went up I know could take 5 roxie 30's a day i was hooked on the pain pills. I move to fl were I had a friend i knew who had moved there.but that did not solve my situation. Come to find out i could find pills easier here . I lost a friend of mine she was 27 to heroin December 24 2015 so i decided to try to quit again.  .After a few more try's and failures. I am now taking suboxone 8 mil i am taking half a day and soon hope to be off of them.

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